Readable Books
Other Stories
Other Stories
What Is Wrong With Me? An ADHD Story
Right Out of Her Mind, In Her Own Words: Sharon Draper
Making Friends when you have an LD
Eye to Eye project: Mentoring kids with ADHD or Learning Disabilities
Erynn Brook's Twitter Thread
August Hunt's Learning Disability Story
What causes Anxiety and Depression: Inside Out
Virginia Wolf: a picture book by Kyo Maclear and Isabelle Arsenault
Behind the scenes: Super Bowl Sunday Pepsi Commercial at Bob's House
Meet the Illustrator: Recording with Isabelle Arsenault
What It's Like Living With Autism: a Nine-Year Old Explains
We're Going to Be Friends: DPAN music video
Super Bowl Commercial Using Deaf Actors
How the Ears Work
Awesome Animation Explains Autism
Autism Speaks Canada
We Carry Kevan
Trampoline Park
Toronto Blind Jays
Thomas: Trampoline Boy
Story about stranger’s seizure on TTC subway
Enika: Trampoline Girl
Kids interview a Teen with a Chronic Disease
Carly's Café: Experience Autism Through Carly's Eyes
Born Without Limbs
Beauty Ad Featuring Girl in Wheelchair
Audible Puck Hockey Players
Trent: Trampoline Artist
This Might Be the Coolest Halloween Costume Ever!
Special Olympian, Devon Adelman
Shane Burcaw and Hannah Alyward: Their Romance
Carly Fleischman: Speaking of Autism
A teen copes with a rare "vanishing bone" disease
Baraka and Blessing: Video
My Name is Blessing: Book Trailer
Kids Interview Devon Adelman: Down Syndrome
LEGO kits for the Blind
Legally Blind Equestrian banned from competition
COVID-19: Distance Education Help
If I'm quiet, I might just hear the stars sing.
Rachna Gilmore
A Screaming Kind of Day
If they knew me a little better, they would see that I'm not that different.
Shane Burcaw
Not So Different
I wish I could see what you see up there in that blue, blue sky.
Nan Forler
Trampoline Boy
We are each given more of some things and less of others.
Eric Walters
My Name is Blessing
Down became up. Dim became bright. Gloom became glad.
Kyo Maclear
Virginia Wolf