Readable Books
Other Stories
Students, teachers and authors from events at Bradford, Orillia and Barrie!
Andrew Hunter: Questions for Shane Burcaw
Andrew Hunter: Standing Up for Greater Accessibility
Chris Hadfield: Talking About Inclusion
Chris Hadfield: WorkBooks Completed!
Nine Stores: New Chapters in Accessibility Awareness!
Hewitt's Creek: Teachers meet Nan Forler
Hewitt's Creek: My Name is Blessing discussion
We're All on the Same Page!
Nan Forler "Covered" Several Schools
Severn Shores: Students voice ideas to promote more accessibility for all
Tecumseth-Beeton: Meeting Shane Burcaw
W. H. Day: Celebrating accessibility in our school
Down became up. Dim became bright. Gloom became glad.
Kyo Maclear
Virginia Wolf
I wish I could see what you see up there in that blue, blue sky.
Nan Forler
Trampoline Boy
We are each given more of some things and less of others.
Eric Walters
My Name is Blessing
If they knew me a little better, they would see that I'm not that different.
Shane Burcaw
Not So Different
If I'm quiet, I might just hear the stars sing.
Rachna Gilmore
A Screaming Kind of Day